
Improvement in Neck Curvature Improves Brain’s Blood Flow

Clinical trials show that correction of the cervical curve improves a vast array of symptoms and conditions. A 2019 study utilized Magnetic Resonance Angiogram (MRA) to measure cerebral blood flow before and after taking steps to improve the neck curve. Decreased neck curvature also reflected decreased blood flow on MRA reports. Correction of the neck curve resulted in an immediate and significant increase in the amount of cerebral blood flowing to and from the brain. The results proved consistent with the notion that biomechanics influence physiology.

Research article in PDF format: Brain Circulation – 201903

Original publication site link: https://www.braincirculation.org/article

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Four Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep

Sleep is the foundation of good mental and physical health. A poor night of sleep can leave you feeling irritable, fatigued, and forgetful, among other side effects. To avoid nights of tossing and turning, use these strategies for a better night’s sleep.

Health Dr Marinks

Sleep: A Health Imperative

Chronic sleep deficiency, defined as a state of inadequate or mistimed sleep, is a growing and underappreciated determinant of health status. Sleep deprivation contributes to a number of molecular, immune, and neural changes that play a role in disease development, independent of primary sleep disorders. These changes in biological processes in response to chronic sleep deficiency may serve as etiological factors for the development and exacerbation of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases and, ultimately, a shortened lifespan. Sleep deprivation also results in significant impairments in cognitive and motor performance which increase the risk of motor vehicle crashes and work-related injuries and fatal accidents. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society have developed this statement to communicate to national health stakeholders the current knowledge which ties sufficient sleep and circadian alignment in adults to health.

fall a sleep dr marinks

Government of Health Goal

About 1 in 3 adults — and even more adolescents — don’t get enough sleep, which can affect their health and well-being. Healthy People 2030 focuses on helping people get enough sleep, treating sleep disorders, and decreasing drowsy driving.