
Dr. Marink’s Summer Time Sleep Recommendation

“With long days and short nights, the summer is inevitably a season where one’s sleep could be drastically reduced,” commented Dr. Marinkovic. “Coupled with the easing of the pandemic where sleeping was sent into a tailspin, this summer could prove especially troubling in the sleep department. In addition, using the appropriate pillow, these simple steps can help ensure you’re getting an ample amount of rest each evening.”
Dr marinks pillow sleep

As we approached the longest day and shortest evening of the year and as summertime fun kicks into high gear, sleep becomes a much needed distraction of the season. That frivolity, however, shouldn’t stop someone from getting a good night’s sleep; but, unfortunately, that isn’t always the case as reported by The Better Sleep Council. The council found in its latest survey 62% respondents tossing and turning their night away, a 6% increase in poor sleep quality since its last survey in 2019.    

Dr. John Marinkovic, DC, creator of Dr. Marink’s Pillows, has a few suggestions to help those lacking a good’s night sleep: 

  • Be consistent with your bedtime. A good rule of thumb is to keep your bed and rising times within an hour of your regular schedule. 
  • Don’t nosh and nap. It’s always wise to leave a few hours after eating before going to bed.  A handy guide is to dine at least 3 hours before bedtime.  
  • Maintain your regular nighttime routine. Washing up and brushing one’s teeth should never be neglected.  Other activities, such as prepping for the following day, reading or meditating, etc. should remain as consistent as possible. 
  • Drink wisely. Stay away from caffeinated drinks in the evening, i.e. coffee, tea, sports drinks and soda as caffeine can negatively impact one’s ability to sleep well. 
  • Make your bedroom ‘sleep ready.’ Is your room conducive for sleeping?  Take a quick assessment. Is there disrupting lights coming through the blinds? Is the room too hot making for a restless sleep environment?  A few simple tweaks can lead to a better night’s sleep. 

With years of scientific research backing its design, Dr. Marink’s Pillows ensures the healthiest sleeping posture, and provides unparalleled comfort. The pillow uses a medically proven, innovative spacer system to customize the pillow to a user’s posture, weight, bed firmness, and shoulder broadness. Dr. Marink’s Pillows allow users to get more restful sleep every night, which serves to improve one’s overall wellbeing long term. Dr. Marink’s Pillows are the only pillows patented in the USA, Europe and abroad for their functionality and innovative sleep system. 

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